Pastor George Gilchrist, Jr. has been the pastor at First Missionary Baptist Church since 1981. He was born and raised in Montgomery, Alabama, and attended George Washington Carver High School. Upon graduating high school, he entered into the United States Army, serving for three years, one year in Vietnam.
Pastor Gilchrist received the Army’s Commendation medal for outstanding service and an honorable discharge. After the service he attended Troy State University majoring in Business Administration.
In 1980, he received his call by God to preach the Gospel. He was baptized, licensed and install by the Maggie Street Baptist Church under the administration of Rev. Dr. I.L.Forbes. Rev. Gilchrist is a graduate of the Sanford School of Theology with a Bachelors of Theology. He further studied for an additional three years at the Sunshine School of Theology.
Rev. Gilchrist retired from the United States Postal Service with 38 years of service. He is married to Phyllis Morgan Gilchrist, father of Rev. Michael B. Gilchrist and grandfather to Leah Grace.
Rev. Gilchrist is strong in doctrine and loves the lord. You have to know him for yourself. He truly wants everyone to know the word of God and except Christ into their lives. He is a supporter of progress, and continues to strive to enhance the church membership through the sharing of the gospel of Jesus Christ.